エリック・フォン・クーネルト=レディン『自由か平等か ――我々の時代の試練』
1章: 微妙。引用ばっかりだ。
(追記: 2章は引用が多いが悪くはない。)
This brings us to the thesis that parliamentary democratic government is always strictly oligarchical in character. This thesis was advanced over a century ago by Fisher Ames401 and then by Proudhon.40
In our days it was reaffirmed by H. G. Wells and received a more thorough treatment by Pareto, Mosca and Robert Michels. The last-mentioned expounded this thesis for the first time in his treatise on the
sociology of political parties, and returned to it in a smaller work entirely dedicated to this issue. James Burnham in his The Machiavellians wrote a commentary on the oligarchic theory of democracy.
Sir Henry Maine, however, doubted the creation of oligarchies or elites on a democratic basis; all he expected from the democratic process was a new despotism.
4章 君主制擁護の部分: 微妙。君主は父親であるみたいな比喩に頼ったり。(箇条書きでメリットを列挙している点はいいかもしれない。23番目p.159のメリットとしてあげられている「長期的視点」がハンス・ハーマン・ホップに継承されている?)
There should be no difficulty in accepting the scholastic tradition of the right of resistance against the tyrant, although these notions frightened not only pious seventeenth-century Protestants, but even Hegel.595 A ruler has the same obliga- tion to the right use of power as the owner of property. Both— power and property—have to be used to foster the common good. Their misuse or abuse should result in confiscation or deposition. But it is also evident that legality (even legality according to international law) is part and parcel of the common good; and therefore legitimacy, in the political sense, cannot be sneered at. Thus, rebellion against a " legal " government (i.e., a government legal in the juridical but not in the moral sense) can be excused only if its continued trespasses against other more important aspects of the common good justify steps which according to the secular (constitutional) law are illegal, but become, under these circumstances, legal according to the natural law.